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Image by Ryoji Iwata
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Joanna Massie

PhD Candidate, McMaster University

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I am a PhD Candidate researching deliberative processes, public opinion, and representation. My current focus is on deliberative mini publics and public opinion. I aim to bridge theory and practice, to understand citizen participation and its potential for democratic institutions.

Research Interests

My research is on deliberative processes and public opinion. I am interested in understanding how deliberative mini publics can be used to improve citizen participation and deepen public interest. I also explore the relationship between representation and deliberative processes. I take a mixed-methods approach, and work closely with practitioners. My research primarily focuses on Canada and Australia, with some work in the UK. I am trained in comparative public policy, comparative politics, and Canadian politics.

Select Publications

Hix, Simon, Clifton van der Linden, Joanna Massie, Mark Pickup, and Justin Savoie. (2022). “Where is the EU-UK Relationship Heading in the Medium-Term? A Conjoint Survey Experiment of Brexit Trade-Offs.” European Union Politics. DOI: 10.1177/14651165221123155

Massie, Joanna. (2023). “Deliberating with purpose?  Deliberation in health policy.” Canadian Public Administration. DOI: 10.1111/capa.12545

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