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Joanna Massie

PhD Candidate, McMaster University

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I am a PhD Candidate exploring deliberative processes, public opinion, and representation. My current research is on deliberative mini publics and public interest. I aim to bridge theory and practice, to understand citizen participation and its potential for democratic institutions.

Research Interests

My research aims to advance our understanding of how deliberative processes can be used to improve citizen participation and deepen public interest. I also explore the relationship between representation and deliberative processes.


I am a mixed-methods researcher, and work closely with practitioners. My work primarily focuses on Canada and Australia, with some work in the UK. I am trained in comparative public policy, comparative politics, quantitative methods, and Canadian politics.

Select Publications

Mattes, Megan and Joanna Massie. (2024). "Failure to launch: Tracing the trajectory of democratic innovation institutionalization in Canada." Canadian Journal of Political Science / Revue Canadienne de science politique DOI: 10.1017/S0008423924000325

Massie, Joanna and Katherine Boothe. (2024). “Recruiting for Engagement in Health Policy” Healthcare Policy. DOI: 10.12927/hcpol.2024.27415


Department of Political Science, McMaster University

1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario

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